
Safes and keys: what are they and where to find them?

Автор: STALCRAFT INSIDEДата последнего изменения: 15-12-2024

Safes and keys are a new mechanic that appeared on December 4, 2024.

Locked safes from various factions have appeared in the new North with valuable loot, including both old and new junk items. Consumables and items for crafting can also be found in some safes.

IMPORTANT: the contents of the safes are individualized for each player and are updated after each ejection.

Types of keys and safes

All safes are divided into 6 types, each of which can only be opened with a special key:

  • Factory
Заводской сейф
Ключ от заводского сейфа
  • Medical
Медицинский сейф
Ключ от медицинского сейфа
  • Military
Военный сейф
Ключ от военного сейфа
  • Scientific
Научный сейф
Ключ от научного сейфа
  • Murmur
Сейф Зивкаса
Ключ от сейфа Зивкаса
  • Zivcas
Сейф Шепота
Ключ от сейфа Шепота

Kesy can be looted from people's spots in the open world at any location in the North, except for Serpentine, Institute, Barrier and Temple Swamp

Keys drop off when the player dies, so store them carefully. However, you can protect your keys from dropping out by placing them in a key holder

Key holder

The key holder is a new item that can be crafted in the hideout. Keys placed in it do not fall out on death.

The features of key holder crafting:

  1. Each key holder is created from the previous version, except for the first one.
  2. It is not possible to create several key holders of the same type at the same time.

There are 4 versions of keys holder:

  1. Small key holder — can store 1 key.

enter image description here

  1. Key holder — can store 2 keys.

enter image description here

  1. Large key holder — can store 3 keys.

enter image description here

  1. Special key holder — can store 4 keys.

enter image description here

Location of safes

Safes are located only in the northern locations: Mines, Inflow, Black Detour, Reflection, Forge-11, Stillwaters.

Detailed location of safes can be seen on our interactive map: https://stalcraft.wiki/en/maps

That's all for now! See you in the next articles.