Golden Prima

Class: Gravitational

Available on region: All regions

A gravity regulator artifact of a split-off evolutionary branch of the Sponge family. Formed in a Whirlpool alongside the Shrimp, but in a totally different way. This artifact creates a sustained field of negative gravity, which makes both the wearer’s backpack and the wearer themselves much lighter. Due to its rarity, not all of its properties are well-studied.

Golden Prima


  • Movement speed[+0.7%; +1.4%]
  • Carry weight[+6.2; +12.4]
  • Radiation[+1; +2]

Additional Stats

  • Movement speed[+0.25%; +0.5%]
  • Carry weight[+2.1; +4.2]
  • Stamina[+6.5%; +13%]