Reiter Super-Heavy Armored Suit

Rank: Master

Class: Combat

Weight: 65 kg

Compatibility with backpacks: Only light

Compatibility with containers: Compact and standard

The RS-124 Reiter is a super-heavy armored suit, perfect for survival in intense combat situations. Mercenaries gained access to the Reiter model thanks to the broad connections of their leader, Muller. It’s dog-eat-dog in the Zone, and getting worse by the day, so Muller felt it was crucial to get his elite fighters the best protection.

Reiter Super-Heavy Armored Suit


  • Stamina:-30.00%
  • Movement speed:-15.00%
  • Carry weight:10.00
  • Bullet resistance:279.00
  • Laceration protection:232.00
  • Explosion protection:260.00
  • Resistance to electricity:50.00
  • Resistance to fire:50.00
  • Resistance to chemicals:50.00
  • Radiation protection:200.00
  • Bioinfection protection:200.00
  • Thermal protection:100.00
  • Psy-Emission protection:200.00
  • Bleeding Protection:60.00%
  • Stability:40.00