CD-3b Armored Suit

Rank: Veteran

Class: Combat

Weight: 11 kg

Compatibility with backpacks: Any

Compatibility with containers: Any

Combat armor worn by the Horizon clan, not released for mass production. Most stalkers prefer the CD-3a, as it has better overall properties, but this armored suit has found owners among fans of protection from bandit bullets and mutant claws.

CD-3b Armored Suit


  • Stamina:20.00%
  • Carry weight:19.00
  • Bullet resistance:154.00
  • Laceration protection:179.00
  • Explosion protection:116.00
  • Resistance to electricity:120.00
  • Resistance to fire:120.00
  • Resistance to chemicals:120.00
  • Radiation protection:210.00
  • Bioinfection protection:210.00
  • Thermal protection:120.00
  • Psy-Emission protection:140.00
  • Bleeding Protection:55.00%