Brigand Armored Suit

Rank: Veteran

Class: Combo

Weight: 9 kg

Compatibility with backpacks: Any

Compatibility with containers: Any

A consignment of protection gear sets, intended for a group of foreign mercenaries, was intercepted by parties unknown, eventually falling into the hands of Masters. The latter took advantage of the components and, inspired by the Pack of common Scythian-2ms and Kingpins, developed a new armored suit. Of particular note are the quality of the fabric, which distributes heat, and the compact healing module similar to the one installed in the AH-2 Nomad.

Brigand Armored Suit


  • Movement speed:1.00%
  • Carry weight:15.00
  • Periodic healing:1.00%
  • Bullet resistance:163.00
  • Laceration protection:144.00
  • Explosion protection:136.00
  • Resistance to electricity:120.00
  • Resistance to fire:120.00
  • Resistance to chemicals:120.00
  • Radiation protection:270.00
  • Bioinfection protection:270.00
  • Thermal protection:180.00
  • Psy-Emission protection:220.00
  • Bleeding Protection:40.00%